As Building Surveyors we can professionally assess and schedule repair works to properties of all types.
Schedules of Dilapidation
Our Services include:
Brear Associates undertake the preparation of Schedules of Dilapidation for landlords whether interim Schedules or Terminal Schedules. As Building Surveyors we can professionally assess, schedule and estimate the cost of repair works to properties of all types.
Building Surveyors are ideally placed to prepare detailed specifications, obtain tenders and over see the repair work whether on behalf of a landlord or an outgoing tenant.
Our Schedules are prepared in accordance with the RICS Practice notes and the PLA protocols on dilapidations.
When acting for tenants we ensure that they obtain the best settlement for any claim. It is important that tenants only undertake the repairs for which they have a liability and not just those scheduled by a Landlords Surveyor.
Review the lease and review the Schedule of Dilapidations to ensure it reflects the actual responsibilities of the Tenant.
Inspect the building and ensure any repairs have been adequately stated.
Advise on the extent of repairs required or any settlement that should be negotiated with the Landlord.
Provide advice to the Tenant on how to conclude a claim and work with legal advisers to bring any claim to a suitable conclusion.
We can also organise the repair work for a tenant so that they hand back the property at the end of the lease in the condition that the lease requires.